Līgatne nature trail visit
(5-18 years old)
- 5,00 EUR
- Students and retired persons - 6,00 EUR
- Adults - 7,00 EUR
- Family tickets (2 adults + 2 children (5-18 years old) - 19,00 EUR
Parking fee
- Parking fee (12 hours) - 2,50 EUR
- Parking fee (12 hours) (Parking fee for non-Līgatne Nature Trail visitors) - 5,00 EUR
- (NOT AVAILABLE AT THE MOMENT) Electric hookup for a campervan (24 hours) - 20,00 EUR
Tour guide services (must be applied before the visit - [email protected])
- Latvian groups - EUR 55.00 (2h), EUR 70.00 (3h)
- Foreign language (English or Russian) groups - EUR 75.00 (2h), EUR 90.00 (3h)
Admission free-of-charge (upon presenting a personal identification document proving one of the following statuses)
- For children under the age of five
- For children and children without parental care, clients of crisis centers, long-term social care and social rehabilitation institutions, and learners registered in the State Education Information System in special education institutions, as well as their accompanying persons (upon presentation of appropriate documents)
- For persons accompanying children with disabilities or individuals under the age of 24 who have been assigned a disability of Group I or II, or individuals with a Group I disability
- For individuals with Group I and II disabilities (upon presentation of documentation confirming the person's disability)
- A group leader accompanying general education institution, vocational education institution, university students or adult group (with 16 to 30 participants), or elementary school group (with 5 to 14 students)
- Two group leaders accompanying an elementary school group with 15 or more students
- Three group leaders accompanying a preschool-aged children group (with 10 to 30 students)
- To promote cooperation with partners in fostering environmental understanding, cultural activities, and exchange of experiences, and to ensure professional activities for media representatives.
50% discount on Līgatne Nature Trails visit
- For families (upon presentation of documents specified in the regulatory enactments regarding the implementation procedure of the Latvian Honorable Family Certificate program, and documents confirming the status of a large family or the number of children), and for families caring for a child with a disability or an individual under the age of 24 with a Group I or II disability (upon presentation of the Latvian Honorable Family Certificate or documents confirming the person's disability, and documents specified in the regulatory enactments regarding the implementation procedure of the Latvian Honorable Family Certificate program).
To promote the recognition of events and activities organized by the
Nature Conservation Agency of Latvia and attract visitors.
30% discount on Līgatne Nature Trails visit
- To promote the recognition of the Nature Conservations agency's of Latvia activities at events and actions organized by cooperation partners.
Payments are accepted both in cash and with electronic payment cards.