Information Centre and cash register "Līgatne Nature Trails”
Address: Ligatne Nature Trails, Cēsis municipality, Līgatne parish, LV-4108
Phone: +371 64153313, +371 28328800
e-mail: [email protected]
Address: Ligatne Nature Trails, Cēsis municipality, Līgatne parish, LV-4108
Phone: +371 64153313, +371 28328800
e-mail: [email protected]
Nature education and communication
Eva Ezeraša
Phone: +371 29335285
e-mail: [email protected]
Manager of the Līgatne Nature Trails
Nature Conservation Agency
Address: 7 Baznicas Street, Sigulda, LV 2150
e-mail: p[email protected]
website: www.daba.gov.lv